La Man's life

Hope to share my life to allow friends to understand me better. And also an avenue for me to vent my frustration! cheers~

My Photo
Location: My room, CCK, Singapore

a gUy~ witH amBition tt nO onE cOMpRehenD... wiTh chArActeR thAt nO onE unDerstAnd... wiTH atTituDe tt nO oNe giVe a dAmn! cHeers~

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Guards Creed

"Ready to Strike"
We are Guardsmen Warriors
Resolute in Loyalty
Steadfast in Commitment
We fight for our country, our home, and our family.
Land warriors from Air and Sea
Unfailling in toughness
Valiant in our actions
We destroy all foes, who challenge our mission.
We are elite warriors
With daring initiatives
We rule the day
We rule the night
Always Ready

Busy busy....

Its been some time since i updated my blog. Actually is more of laziness. Currently in my fourth week of Guards Conversion Course. Training was tough, but enough time was given to us to recuperate. Every weekend was like so tired dun feel like updating the blog. Alright, key event that happened during my MIA period...

58/04 Charlie 'n' Hotel Commissioning ball

"With Dy Chairperson"

"My gorgeous date!"

Ultra sian... Went Pulau Sudong for some EX. Then after the day practise, got the Guards treatment. "Guards Beach Physical Training". I tink its more of a tekan session. Lasted for 2 hours when it was suppose to be 1. Was told by our instructor that its a tradition for all Guards Commanders to go through this. I guess its some kind of initiation process. Nvm~ Suck it up and emerge a stronger person! But sadly didn't performed up to par during the night practise as the PC. Buck up Eric!

Finally got news of my LSA application!~ Date of interview not set yet. As the earliest is 8th Nov. Which i couldn't make it due to the summary exercise i have to attend tt week. I'm pretty sure i wont be well prepared for the interview if i leave half way through the exercise. Better concentrate and get the Khaki beret~

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

"Proud parents"

My Big Day~

"Presenting, the Newly Commissioned Officers!"

1st October marks the day i made my parents (and 'tt' someone) proud! "I did not disappoint!" =) Reporting to 1st Guards this thursday but starting my Guards Conversion Course on 10th Oct to 14th Nov. Pray for me~

Special thanks to all friends who made their way down to SAFTI for the parade despite the gloomy skies... Really happy to see all of you'll there!